Updated 19.07.2024

Contract for investment into reserves 

A shareholder or partner contributes cash to a public limited company or a limited liability partnership under Swiss law, without increasing the nominal capital.

Use this contract: 

  • If you are a shareholder or partner in a Swiss limited company.
  • To grant additional funds to a Swiss public limited company or limited liability company.
  • When you do not wish to increase the share capital as a result of the contribution.
  • Whether the contribution is credited to open reserves to offset losses, or to reserves from capital contributions.


CHF 30/document


Jurisdiction: Switzerland
Swiss Legal Guarantee. No further checks are needed

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Protect yourself legally with the following options: 

  • Introduction of a condition precedent to the contribution to be met by the company or investor. 
  • Obligation to book the contribution to open reserves or contribution reserves, in accordance with the investor’s instructions. 
  • Stipulation of restrictions and privileges on the shares, as well as indication of the paid-up amount of the capital in the event of partial payment. 
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Prepare your legally binding additional contribution contract with the AdminTech document generator in just a few clicks and in 5 to 10 minutes