Unlimited documents for only CHF 30 per month. Offer until 31.01.2025


Legal document templates for every business case

Simplify your document creation process with over 1,000 valid templates tailored to your needs

Protect business

Full legal guarantee

All contracts are сrafted by local lawyers. No additional legal checks are required: our documents are ready to be signed

Flexible templates

Highly adaptable

You can make various modifications while filling in required and optional fields with your details

Local jurisdiction

Swiss legal standards

Each template is created in accordance with the legal requirements of Switzerland

Create legal documents in 4 steps

  • Choose a template

    Decide on the legal document you want to create and select a template that will serve your needs best

    Choose a template
  • Fill in the details

    Customise your template by completing the required and optional fields with your business information, names, roles, and specific terms or provisions

    Fill in the Details
  • Check the final look

    Look through the data that you’ve provided us with and ensure the accuracy of all the details

    Check the final look of your document
  • Pay upon satisfaction

    We don’t charge you during the document creation process. Just pay CHF 49 once you’re pleased with the result

    Features - step 4

Templates are maintained by local lawyers

protection image
Our Quality Guarantee
We guarantee that our templates are properly executed and legally enforceable under the applicable laws of Switzerland.